All West Communications Blog

High-speed Internet Brings a Bundle of Benefits

Written by All West Communications | Sep 28, 2020 6:00:00 AM

When was the last time you evaluated your internet speed? Do you think you have the right speed for your current business needs?

As more of today’s business activities are done online and businesses require robust vendor and customer management tools and cloud-based services, having high-speed internet is essential. High-speed internet can put you ahead of your competition, increase employee productivity and customer satisfaction, and build stronger relationships with your vendors.

Employees don’t want to waste time waiting for files to download or upload, or lose a potential client due to a dropped video call. Customers who are put on hold while a representative’s computer “catches up” to display account information can cause frustration—and that customer may choose to take their business elsewhere.

If you haven’t updated your speed in a while, you may be missing out on productivity and revenue. High-speed internet can help your business many ways:

  • Better Video Conferencing – Be assured that your video call will go smoothly, without buffering or getting dropped.
  • More Productive Employees – Employees will be thrilled that they can quickly access needed information and don’t have to wait for large files to download or transfer.
  • Increased Bandwidth – Stop worrying about limited bandwidth or how many users or devices are connected to your internet—the higher the speed, the more bandwidth you have.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction – Serve customers quickly and efficiently with Point of Sale (POS) terminals that don’t freeze up or slow down. Take customer calls with confidence knowing you can access their information quickly.
  • Better Vendor Relationships – Shared platforms such as Google Docs and Dropbox can improve collaboration and make transferring information easier.
  • Cost Savings Hosted VoIP PBX solutions can now be an option. Hosted VoIP PBX offers big business features and services at a fraction of the cost of traditional phone service. There’s no large capital outlay or need for additional IT resources.

Ensuring you have the right speed for your business creates a smoother, more efficient operation.

Contact Phil Marchant or Bryce Gardner today at 877.584.1581 or for a business internet evaluation and to learn about our internet speed options.