
How to sign up for eBilling and Auto Pay on SmartHub

We believe in making our customers’ lives easier. That’s why we recommend signing up for SmartHub, our customer account ...

We believe in making our customers’ lives easier. That’s why we recommend signing up for SmartHub, our customer account portal. SmartHub is a web and mobile app that allows you to manage your account with All West. With an All West SmartHub account, you can see all your billing and payment history along with your current billing information. In addition to this, you can set up eBilling and Auto Pay. eBilling allows you to receive your bill by email or through SmartHub’s app or website. Auto Pay automatically charges a credit card of your choice when your bill is due, which makes making your monthly payments fast and easy. Signing up for eBilling and Auto Pay is simple. Follow the steps below to set it up on your account.


To sign up for eBilling:

  1. Log into your SmartHub account. Call us if you need assistance setting up your account.
  2. Choose the “My Profile” tab in the main menu.
  3. Go to “Update My Paperless Settings.”
  4. Turn paperless billing ON.
  5. Your statements will now be available on SmartHub instead of being mailed to you. You can also set up email and text notifications under the “Notifications” tab in the main menu.
  6. Make your monthly bill payments online by clicking the “Make Payment” button on the SmartHub home page.

To sign up for Auto Pay:

  1. Log into your SmartHub account.
  2. Choose the “Billing & Payments” tab in the main menu.
  3. Go to “Auto Pay Program.”
  4. Click on “Sign Up for Auto Pay” and follow the prompts to set up your card.
  5. Enjoy the convenience of having your bill automatically paid each month.

When you sign up for Auto Pay, we’ll give you a one-time $5 credit on your next statement as a thank you!


Questions about SmartHub? Give us a call at 866.255.9378 or email us at

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